Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Move Progresses

I have torn up every room in my house. There are books and boxes and furniture piled up everywhere!! My bed is on it's side due to rewiring of the reading lights. So I'm sleeping on the guest bed which is very high and quite firm and which is lovely and nearly new but doesn't want to sell. I should keep it and sell the other one but I love my soft, comfy bed. The renters have allergy problems so they don't want any of the rugs which also don't want to sell. And the books!! I had no idea that I had so many books. And I haven't opened most of them in years. Some in thirty years! Why keep any of them? Just the Italian history. Luckily a friend has looked them over and flogged a few for a nice bit of cash.

The packers/movers came today and are busily wrapping and rapping and packing away. They are a nice crew of part time musicians and artists with an interesting variety of hair choices. Groovy dudes all. But there must be some corollary to Parkinson's Law that states that the goods expand to fill the available pod. After packaging, my "stuff" was easily twice the volume I had expected. But after years of time wasted playing Tetris - which I recall is a video game - the boss and his vice chairman were able to perfectly fit it all into the 8x8x16 POD with a bit to spare so I saved the golf clubs. Haven't given up actually playing my age, but now I need to live to be 105.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was interested to read your blog. My friend forwarded it to me because she knows of my dream to live in Italy. I've been studying Italian for 3 years and have made a number of Italian friends. My husband and I travel there nearly every year.

I am a second-generation Italian and can get citizenship because my dad was born in Italy. That would probably make my dream easier, right?

Have you moved? It's hard for me to tell from your site. I'm assuming the move post was the big move.

Looking forward to reading more. Thanks for sharing.